This revolutionary test allows doctors an opportunity to better understand and view disease progression of the macula, the retina and the optic nerve long before actual vision loss takes place. Routine analysis of the retina utilizes manual and photographic views of the top layers or simply its surface. OCT tomography provides a more detailed look at the retina with a three-dimensional side-view or optical cross-section.

This procedure provides a more precise analysis of the important central aspects of the retina, specifically the optic nerve and the macula.

In addition, powerful software provides a comparison of the data collected to normal eyes of the patients same age. These numerical comparisons over time allow for the detection of subtle changes much earlier than with past testing options.

The digital OCT images can be compared to an ultrasound, but instead of sound, the process utilizes reflected light and converts the layered image into varied identifiable colors. This technology allows us to more accurately follow disease progression and has quickly become the standard of care for patients with documented cautions, strong family histories, or simply to monitor the effectiveness or the timing of treatment. Diseases such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetes, and hypertension can be studied using OCT imaging.

Recent articles in neurology journals indicate that OCT testing can also be a valuable tool to identify and track multiple sclerosis (MS) earlier in the course of the disease than other detection methods. We are pleased to be able to provide our patients with this advanced level of care.

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