Don’t Allow Price Alone to Determine How Well You See!
Of course you should consider cost as a factor when you get your new glasses, but it is not the most important one. Like many other things, it is a little more complicated than that.
Your optometric physician has examined your eyes and vision system in detail to arrive at your prescription for glasses. Please allow us to help your dollars go farther by giving you some information about your eyewear, how it is made, and the measurements needed to make sure that your prescription is filled properly.
The numbers in the prescription describe the optics of your eyeglass lenses, to provide the best vision possible. These numbers, combined with high quality frame materials and matched with measurements of your face and head, should allow you to have clear and comfortable vision. However, you should know that the numbers are just the starting place in the making of your eye wear.
The most obvious factor when you are choosing your new eyewear is, of course, the price. It is just about the only variable most of us can understand, but it is certainly not the only important thing to consider. Other variables that we may find difficult to judge include the size and quality of the eyeglass frames, the materials they are made from, and careful consideration of each frame to make sure it fits not only your prescription but also your face; after all, your frames will probably spend quite a lot of time there.
Everyday bumps and jolts happen to all of us, and from time to time, your eyeglass frames will require readjustment so they fit comfortably. High quality materials in eyewear frames let them stay in adjustment longer, saving us the irritation of constantly pushing our glasses into place, as well as avoid having those sore spots behind our ears and on the sides of our noses.
Other considerations include an accurate measurement of the distance between your pupils, so the lenses can be placed with the optical centers in exactly the right place, once in the frame. If the centers of the lenses are not exactly where they should be, the lenses can induce a prism effect, making your eyes work harder to work together and causing symptoms such as headaches, difficulty concentrating, worsening of computer vision syndrome, or just plain ordinary blurred vision. Lenses that are not properly centered can even cause double vision.
The lenses must also be centered on the pupils vertically, which is even more disruptive to vision when not correct.
People have widely varying tolerances for these types of errors and you may not be aware that there even is a problem, especially at first, when you are still adapting to your new glasses. We might think that these vague symptoms are just another thing we must tolerate as we get older, when in reality, our vision could be much better and much more comfortable.
These are some of the things to be considered when getting your new glasses; we couldn’t possibly go into them all, without sending you back to school. It’s really a matter of using our knowledge and expertise to put together all the information and combining them into the best possible package.
As mentioned earlier, your optometric physician has examined your eyes and visual system in detail and you can be confident that all these factors are taken into account when your prescription is filled from the highly trained opticians and technicians here. Every eyewear prescription is custom-made. When you purchase your eyewear here, you always know your successful adaptation is guaranteed.
We have no control over other businesses and their policies with regards to quality, or how they may or may not take all these variables into account.
You have a lot of choices to make when choosing your new eyewear. We urge you to educate yourself before buying your eyewear elsewhere, to ask the right questions and insist on answers that you understand. Don’t let price alone determine how your vision functions. Your vision is undoubtedly the most important sense when it comes to daily life, and although we tend to take our sight for granted when we can see well; please allow us to provide you with the peace of mind you get from people who are attentive to the details and who are obsessed with perfection.